For the last few weeks Chris and I have been posting the occasional bit of information here. Everytime I come here I wince because the photo of us was taken in August 2009, just after we finished paddling the Bowron Lakes Circuit.
For about 18 months I’ve been trying to find time to re-do the website…change the photo, layout, even the name. All of this would better reflect earthship-finishing and post building activities like permaculture, gasification, current events in the realm of alternative building.
Alas, things have been too busy. And with three teens involved in piano, dance, hunting, 3D printer building, skiing, theatre…well, I don’t really want to spend the money to hire somebody else to re-design.
I thought it might be fun to post a more recent photo…recent meaning last February. It’s not a great one of us…the kids were cranky, we were cranky, and we were late getting to something. But an online magazine needed a photo of us and this was it!
You guys look better!
We are definitely cleaner! Eight days on the Bowron Lakes for the unwashed…