It’s been a while since I updated expenses. I’ve been waiting for the window invoice and it came today. We are about $4,000 over the budget we anticipated when we started 16 months ago. This represents the aluminum glazing that we hadn’t planned for, but felt added a tremendous amount to the overall goal of having windows that didn’t weep water all over the wood and plaster inside.
HPO Homeowner Exemption Permit | $425.00 | |
Building Permit | $1,504.00 | |
Septic Approval | $157.50 | |
$2,086.50 | ||
Excavation | $6,365.00 | |
$6,365.00 | ||
Tire Walls (inc. poly, Metal Lath + portland cement) | $573.04 | |
Perimeter drain (inc. PVC pipe and fittings, filter cloth) | $528.46 | |
Thermal Wrap (inc. poly, rigid insulation, tuck tape) | $3,781.10 | |
Nails/other fasteners | $28.09 | |
Tires | $0.00 | |
Dirt | $0.00 | |
Tire press | $0.00 | |
Cardboard | $0.00 | |
Portland cement for bond beam & pop can form | $341.71 | |
Plumbing general | $78.10 | |
Rebar bond beam | $180.35 | |
Sill gasket – bond beam | $68.99 | |
Misc plumbing for rough septic/greywater overflow | $91.91 | |
Framing materials | $44.46 | |
Wood stain | $1,659.11 | |
Electrical | $1,125.65 | |
Misc | $163.98 | |
Roof | $13,376.16 | |
End walls | $217.16 | |
South wall | $13,717.81 | |
Equipment | $83.99 | |
$36,060.07 | ||
Total | $44,511.57 |
Only 10% over. That’s pretty good! Especially when you consider you anticipate going “late” by 25-33% ….