On July the sixteenth our hens and turkeys finally hatched we ended up with six turkeys and about 17 or 18 chikens. the chickens were mostly black but we had 5 or 6 chicks that were yellow. last night the 17th 3 chicks couln’t hatch so we had to help themby peeling there egg shells and this morning one was dead. The other two had wing and leg problems. so the have to live in a box with a turkey that has leg problems.
Yes, they hatched. A couple of them have “special needs.” (Bent leg, undeveloped wing, ect.) All together we got about 18 chickens and 5 turkeys. Shelly and Eggbert hatched succsessfully, but Yolko was a dud. The ones that require a bit more help have been isolated. Honestly, I think all the turkeys need a “bit more help” because they aren’t the brightest bulbs