Friend James H. asked about tools/equipment. I’ve jotted down a really fast list of things we used. You could do without some of them, of course, but this implies you are either paying somebody else to do components of the project, or that you will be a lot slower. We are fortunate that we own a lot of equipment. If you build close to us, you may borrow some!
I’ve tried not to list items twice so jobs like the rocket stove may have used more than is listed (like drills, etc.) but I chose not to list them as they’d been listed elsewhere. I’m sure I’ve missed a bunch!
Excavation and tire walls: Big Excavator, chainsaw, chalk lines, shovels, wheelbarrows, tire press, tamper, hammers, cement mixer, electrical cords, cordless drills (3), corded impact drills (2), jig saw, angle grinder, sawsall, pliers, safety equipment (lots of gloves), tractor, forklift, dumptruck, pick up truck and trailer, spirit levels, transit, 7″ circular saw, 10″ compound mitre saw, 12″ compound mitre saw, hoses and nozzles, tin snips, exacto knives, plumb bob, scissors, ladders (2-3), welder for fixing broken tools
Front Wall Framing: Large size radial arm saw for 3×8, circular cutting jig (home-made), table saw, set of rachets (1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″)
Bond Beam and Roof: Rebar bender, truss saw (to cut angles on the machined logs), Bobcat (to move concrete into the building and into the bond beam form), tractor and 3-point hitch cement mixer (to mix 4 yards in one day), cement trowels, angle tool (to figure out the angles on our bond beam forms), sandblaster for recovering log rafters, forklift (moving log beams), cabinetry clamps (used for pulling 2×6 decking tight while we screwed), angle iron for providing clamping point for clamps, roller brushes for spreading glue for rubber roofing, caulking guns for rubber roof sealant, variety of brushes for staining/glue (probably went through 24 by the time the logs and ceiling were stained and the roof was on).
Windows/Front wall: glass suction cups (the window company lent these to us), metal compound saw, wallpaper roller for rolling gasket into glazing system,
End walls: Cement mixer for pop can walls, lots of buckets for moving plaster and cement around. Large screen for gravel, small screen for making it ¼”, also for screening clay-dirt for making cob for packout, ladders
Electrical: If DIY, set of wire strippers, screwdrivers, multi-meter, etc.
Rocket Stove: Putty knives, buckets, shovels
Brilliant list! I will not wait for Christmas 🙂
Pretty complete. Do not forget …
Scaffolding for the roof, front wall and side walls.
Saw horses were useful for laying out material to be stained.
Extension cords.
Right you are! How could I forget the scaffolding? I stood on it for most of the fall staining wood (and sandblasting). Yes, our trusty old sawhorses (metal) have been used from day one. I did mention extension cords (electrical cords, I called them, I stand corrected)! Oh, and how about computers????? A must for information and price checking!!!
Awesome! Thanks! I have a few things to get.
Can you tell me if you considered or used “pogo sticks” or “sand rammers” to pound the tires, or just the old fasion slugdge and tamper. I’m about to rent a compressor next week for an earthship in the koots. Any feedback would be spendid!