We’ve been getting emailed questions about our tire press, so I thought I would attempt to recap our experiences with it.
As described in an earlier posting we built the press out of materials we had on hand. The press design is quite simple. The unit consists of:
- a stubby hydraulic cylinder,
- two rounded steel plates welded at either end of the cylinder,
- a control valve to extend and retract the cylinder,
- hydraulic hose plus fittings,
- and a portable hydraulic pump that plugs into a standard 120 volt wall outlet.
The hydraulic cylinder is approximately 1′ retracted length (including the attached steel plates) and extends out another 3-4″ at full extension. The steel plates are 5/16″ thick and were cut from steel pipe that was approximately 16 inches in diameter. The photo shows the initial plates that I used that came close to packing an entire tire in one pass. These plates were impractical … it was too hard to place the packer in a tire, and it simply did not pack well. We settled on much smaller plates that were only about 6″ wide.
As shown in the video (below this paragraph) the size of the packer is dictated by the inside diameter of the tires being filled. The packer is dropped into a previously hand packed tire that is still hollow in the middle. With the packer fully retracted, dirt is then shoveled into the tire so that when the packer cylinder is extended the new and existing dirt is packed into the tire. The packer is rotated and this process is repeated until the tire is sufficiently packed.
After the tire is sufficiently packed, the packer is removed. The tamper is then used to fill and compact the centre of the tire.
Our tamper was simply an old sprocket welded to a five foot length of steel pipe. The whole
unit weighs significantly more and has a much wider packing head (approximately 8″ diameter) than a sledge hammer. It was very effective at packing the centre of the tires.
Many thanks to Mike Casey for building and lending this packer to us!
Tamping requires a person to straddle the tire and compact the dirt by pounding the tamper up and down while periodically adding dirt until the tire is filled and compacted.
Care needs to be taken to not stand on the edges of the tire being tamped initially, as you run the risk of reducing the compaction of the tire by collapsing the dirt in the rim. You also do no want to strike the side walls of the tire with the packer as this will also reduce the compaction of the tire.
Our packer was fairly small and portable. We mounted the hydraulic pump and electric motor combination on a wheel barrow so that it could be moved easily from tire to tire. We ran a 50′ extension cord to an available electrical outlet. (We also ran the unit off of a 3500 watt gas generator during a power failure.) The hoses were long enough such that the packer could be used at the top of an eight foot wall with the packer at the base of the wall.
As the walls got higher the packer stayed inside the building, and we brought dirt to the tires from the outside of the building and backfilled as we went. This meant that moving the dirt was done at ground level and the operator of the packer stood on a ladder as the walls got higher. We had to extend the lever controlling the cylinder so that the person operating it could still extend and retract the ram.
I guess the important question is was it worth it? Was the packer effective? Did we save time, money or labour?
In terms of cost our packer was essentially free. I had all of the parts needed to make this unit, although I did cannibalize one piece of equipment that will have to be put back together. Also, I did all of the welding and assembly, and it went together surprisingly quickly. So, there was very little cost in building this unit. I suspect you could pay a few thousand dollars buying and scrounging the parts needed.
The packer proved to be very effective in packing the tires, it did a very consistent job of filling and compacting the rims of the tires. I can only compare the effectiveness of the packer to tires we filled with sledge hammers on our first tier and tires I have seen in finished buildings. Both methods seem equally effective at compacting dirt in a tire. One advantage of the packer is that it did not get tired, and loose oomph as the day went on. Quality control was critical regardless of the method used, and we were careful to consistently inspect finished tires.
We definitely saved a lot of hard labour using the packer. We were exhausted after a day of hand packing the tires. The hydraulic press eliminated the physically demanding effort of packing with the sledge hammer. The tamping was still done by hand (and generated lots of complaints) but was far easier than the alternative.
I also think that the packer saved us time. A crew of three was very efficient when filling tires; one to operate the packer, one to shovel dirt and one to tamp tires and supply dirt to the shoveler. I am estimating (guessing?) that we could easily have done half a row of tires a day (approximately 40) and finished the main tire wall in under a month with a dedicated crew of three to four people. It took us three months, we did not work steadily, and our crew of volunteers changed constantly. I suspect that either method can be very efficient. The bigger issue with either method is keeping people busy packing tires. A lot of time and effort goes into moving, supplying and preparing material (dirt, tires, water and cardboard). More than once we stopped working to scrounge tires, move dirt or cut cardboard!
Ultimately, at the end of the day using a hydraulic packer meant that the crew was as happy at the end of the day as at the beginning!
This hydraulic tire rim packer sounds like a great idea, and possibly a marketable product. Even plans of it might sell. I have also seen road crews with a motorized vertically reciprocating packer that I think would work well at filling the tire centers. I have to ask why the Earthship biotecture people have not thought of this before??
Your pictures are down for this page (and some others)
I would like to get a better look at this device.
Thanks Chris, Blogger finally realized that we had switched to WordPress and deleted our links back. Thee are about 100 pictures that disappeared and Chris and I hope to import them all in the coming weeks…we’ve been pretty busy with the roof!
Good Day Chris and Family!
When I stopped by your place this mid April, I was mesmermized! thank you for Takinga break from lunch to show my father and I your wonderful, developing plan. It is good to know a ‘nieghbour’, as mentioned on that day, my husband and I will be building a similiar sustainable home, just further south from you. Desmond and I are interested in helping you. The Tire press was so inspiring to see, thank you for having a great mind. We would love to talk further on your past experiences. Please get back to this message when you can, either via email or your website works for now.
All of the pictures from the posts that blogger removed the pictures from are on the current website. On the main page at the top is a button ‘photos’. If you click on that button and then select the gallery ‘Old Blog Posts’ (http://picasaweb.google.com/darfieldchris/BuildingAnEarthshipInDarfieldBC?authkey=Gv1sRgCPmUldrL1KHFgwE#) you can access these pictures. These pictures are not sorted, but as I said all of the blog pictures from when we hosted on blogger are there.
I hope to fix the old posts but am not sure when that will happen.
Hope this helps …
I found your web site after we saw a story on TV about the Potter’s Eship. I used a similar tool to pack all the tires in our modified eship but used air pressure instead. I have some pictures of the packer on my web photo site. We have lived in our place for almost 3 years but took about 14 years worth of work before that. We are “finishing up” but have lots to do. I’ll comb through your photos and the rest of your web site. All the best, Earl
Thanks for sharing your experiences building your earthship, it has inspired me to build one this summer. You guys are what make the internet so great!
Very inspiring website guys!
I’ve seen another website that described using a jackhammer with a rounded-half ball end welded to it which is used to pack the tires.
In your opinion would something like that work and why didn’t you try it?
We were on our second day of pounding tires in 2009 when one of our volunteers, Anna Renaud, recently of New Zealand, mentioned having seen a tire press in her native country. She directed us to a website/youtube video and over the course of the next 3 hours Chris built a similar tool. It never occurred to us to do anything else, because this worked so well. Since then, we’ve seen mixed reviews of the jackhammer/air hammar tools, although we have never seen one in action. Our tire press is hydraulic and compacts dirt very well. Although it probably didn’t speed things up in terms of time to fill one tire, it sure did save on muscles. A crew of 12 filled 80 tires in a very busy day in August of 2009 on our site. That was a record for us. There are 862 tires in our entire earthship, so had we been able to maintain that pace, we would have been finished in about 10 days or so. We are buidling old style U’s so by it’s very nature the process is slower because we are fiddling with tire placement in the interior walls. Whichever method is used, sledge hammers or mechanical means, the real time savings is in material management. If whatever or whomever is packing the tires, is constantly supplied with a cardboard-lined, partiall hand packed tire and the packing method can remain steady, you will make good progress.