I found our Christmas post from last year. After reading it, I think we will change things a little. Not sure how yet, but it’s obvious to me wit how busy we’ve been that I need to start getting busy on finding baskets again. None of my baskets came back (I didn’t ask for them to be returned) so I’m hoping that they all got re-used for gifts for others.
I lived in Taos, New Mexico in the years when Michael Reynolds was getting stetard with the earthships and had many friends who worked on and lived in them.I wrote about alternative living spaces for years and the earthships were probably the most successful of all the experiments that were taking place in the 70s and 80s. Being inside them is an interesting combination of light (all the south-facing windows) and cool darkness (the back side snuggled into the earth). It is a similar feel you get in the ancient Anasazi cave dwellings. Open to the sky, close to the earth. I was in one earthship that had ponds in front of the windows with fish swimming in them that were harvested for food.I feel like we (as a society) got sidetracked, beginning with Reagan, and that whole fiasco is coming to it’s just ending and we are going to go back and pick up the thread of where we were at in the 70s with alternative energy and sustainable life styles.It makes me sad that we’ve wasted so much time and done so much damage but thankfully, hopefully, we can regroup and maybe really do it right this time. There’s a train every day leaving either way . . . swan . . .