The last few days have been spent in the alternating sun and cloud (yay, cloud!) putting on 2×6 decking. We recovered the 2×6 from all the rejected logs and lumber laying around the yard. It was a bit of a labour of love and some of the pieces have been twisty. We’ve been using clamps to bring everything in lin so it’s been a bit fussy, but the results have been stellar….
Wow! And I thought I was industrious for just cleaning the bathroom today.
Well done! Your roof & sun deck look gorgeous!
Looks great! When we visited a year ago, it was just a hole in the ground. Hope to see the finished building, maybe next year. ps. what will go on top of the roof?
Ooooh, niiiice
Richard, Chris is still thinking about the roof, but it will be 8 inches of insulation (rigid) about R60, then EPDM (pond liner, thick, for potable water rain catchment although we are not planning on drinking this water). After the EPDM not sure. It can be traditional roofing material but Chris is investigating ballast roof systems with dirt to hold everythign down and possibly patio tiles on top of that. Might incorporate a living roof (think of th veggie growin potential). We plan on putting the solar panels on the south facing roof of the shop so we don’t necessarily have to incorporate them on the earthship roof. Sorry if this is garbled…it’s late at night!