Well, we candled the turkey eggs to see how many of them are going to hatch. When you shine a really bright light through the egg in a dark room, you can see inside it. If you see a "spider" in the egg, it means that is developing into a chick and … [Read more...]
Turkeys – day 2

It is June 23rd and day two incubating our turkey eggs. An incubator is the white box Stephen and I are sitting in front of. What you do is you put the turkey eggs in and turn every morning and night. The only way to know what side to turn them on … [Read more...]
Those Turkeys!

We started 23 turkey eggs in an incubator this evening (7:30 pm to be precise). The temperature was preset by the friend who loaned us the incubator . thanks Angela! We poured water into a tray in the bottom of the incubator to keep the eggs … [Read more...]