We found out about a week ago that Earthship Biotecture is doing an Earthship build here in BC!
Turns out the build is about an hour away from us in Lone Butte! All I really know about it at this point is that it will happen in August over two weeks and there are fifty volunteer positions that will be available (25 each week).
This is the opportunity we were looking for a year ago! If you are in BC and thinking about building an earthship this is for you.
I would be interested in volunteering a weeks worth of work to learn about earthships. Is there a fee to do this? Please let me know all the details (date, place ect.) thank you
I would be interested in volunteering a weeks worth of work to learn about earthships. Is there a fee to do this? Please let me know all the details (date, place ect.)
We have had a number of volunteers over the last year. Generally, we have not scheduled work parties for volunteers. If someone is interested in visiting and getting their hands dirty we simply see if something works for both of our schedules and take it from there. There is no fee for this. We have limited accommodations so you may have to bring a tent, and we try to share some meals but you’ll want to bring some food.
If you are interested contact me at chris@darfieldearthship.com.